本文已經不合時宜,請參考 Github Action - 更換成 beta v2 新的格式 (yaml)
本文使用 HCL syntax in GitHub Actions 將會在 2019-09-30 被棄用。(for info )
大家在開發 CI 的時候,一定會遇到需要寫 script,無論是 Shell Script, Python, Makefile,多少都會用到。那麼當你在第二個、第三個專案也需要一樣的流程,那我們就會從舊的專案複製一樣的 script 到新專案。
這個時候,如果發現 script 寫錯了,或是要擴充時。那麼你有數十個專案,都要一一進去每個專案改動這個 CI script,是不是想到就頭痛?
那麼你可以開始嘗試 Github Action,Github Action 非常符合 DRY(Don’t Repeat Yourself) 的原則,只要是 public repo 的 Dockerfile,那麼你就可以使用它,這等於是可以將 CI script 模組化,並重複利用。
你甚至可以在 local 使用,當作是 Jenkins, Ansible 的替代品
Talk Is Cheap. Show Me The Code
Sample code: https://github.com/swaglive/action-demo/tree/master/.github
workflow "Show env" { on = "push" resolves = ["debug","hello"] } action "debug" { uses = "docker://alpine:3.10" args = ["env"] } action "hello" { needs = "debug" uses = "docker://alpine:3.10" args = ["echo", "hello"] env = { DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL = "docker.pkg.github.com" IMAGE = "echo-box:latest" } secrets = ["DOCKER_USERNAME", "DOCKER_PASSWORD"] }
如果你還沒有辦法使用 Github Action 的話,那麼你可以先在 Local 安裝 act ,在 Local 感受一下 Github Action 的威力。
2019.08.01 Github Action 還是 beta 版,需要額外註冊 才能使用
Act - Local Run Your Github Action Workflow brew tap nektos/tap && brew install nektos/tap/act
More Configs Use https://developer.github.com/actions/managing-workflows/workflow-configuration-options/#using-a-dockerfile-image-in-an-action uses:
actions/heroku@master actions/aws/ec2@v2.0.1 ./.github/action/my-action docker://alpine:3.8 docker://gcr.io/cloud-builders/gradle
branch, ref, SHA
Event https://developer.github.com/actions/managing-workflows/workflow-configuration-options/#events-supported-in-workflow-files
push, pull_request, release
Env https://developer.github.com/actions/creating-github-actions/accessing-the-runtime-environment/#environment-variables
PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin HOSTNAME=8b0f1f43f889 GITHUB_ACTION=debug GITHUB_ACTOR=RammusXu GITHUB_BASE_REF= GITHUB_EVENT_NAME=push GITHUB_EVENT_PATH=/github/workflow/event.json GITHUB_HEAD_REF= GITHUB_REPOSITORY=swaglive/action-demo GITHUB_SHA=1f96df855e94639a5c430d3564ac31a8f2a492c0 GITHUB_WORKFLOW=Show env GITHUB_WORKSPACE=/github/workspace HOME=/github/home GITHUB_REF=refs/heads/master
Dockerfile Example https://developer.github.com/actions/creating-github-actions/creating-a-docker-container/#label
FROM alpine:3.10 LABEL "name"="echo-box" LABEL "maintainer"="Rammus Xu" LABEL "version"="1.0.0" LABEL "com.github.actions.name"="Echo Box" LABEL "com.github.actions.description"="Print debugging information about the running action" LABEL "com.github.actions.icon"="package" LABEL "com.github.actions.color"="green" COPY entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]
Push Docker Image to Github Registry(Package) Tutorial: https://help.github.com/en/articles/configuring-docker-for-use-with-github-package-registry
workflow 可以有多個,但是只能放在 main.workflow
# Show env workflow "Show env" { on = "push" resolves = ["debug","hello"] } action "debug" { uses = "docker://alpine:3.10" args = ["env"] } action "hello" { needs = "debug" uses = "docker://alpine:3.10" args = ["echo", "hello"] } # Shared Workspace workflow "Shared Workspace" { on = "push" resolves = ["cat file"] } action "create file" { uses = "docker://alpine:3.10" args = ["sh", "-c", "echo 'rammus file' > shared-file"] } action "cat file" { needs = "create file" uses = "docker://alpine:3.10" args = ["sh", "-c", "cat shared-file"] }
會 cache docker layer,所以第二次 run 或是相同的 image 會非常快。
# Docker CLI # https://github.com/actions/docker/tree/master/cli workflow "Docker CLI" { on = "push" resolves = ["docker cli run"] } action "docker cli build" { uses = "actions/docker/cli@master" args = "build -t echo-box:latest ./echo-box" } action "docker cli run" { needs = ["docker cli build"] uses = "actions/docker/cli@master" args = "run echo-box:latest hello world" }
同一個 Build(workflow) 當中,會共享 workspace,所以 action 1 如果做 docker login,action 2 能使用在同一個 workspace 下的 credential。
## Push Github Package workflow "Push Github Package" { on = "push" resolves = ["docker push"] } action "docker login" { uses = "actions/docker/login@master" env = { DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL = "docker.pkg.github.com" } secrets = ["DOCKER_USERNAME", "DOCKER_PASSWORD"] } action "docker build" { needs = ["docker login"] uses = "actions/docker/cli@master" env = { IMAGE = "echo-box:latest" } args = "build -t docker.pkg.github.com/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/$IMAGE ./echo-box" } action "docker push" { needs = ["docker build"] uses = "actions/docker/cli@master" env = { IMAGE = "echo-box:latest" } args = "push docker.pkg.github.com/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/$IMAGE" }
某些 Docker 指令被鎖住 ex. network, image, volume,…
# Docker Info workflow "Show Docker Info" { on = "push" resolves = ["show network","show images"] } action "show network" { uses = "actions/docker/cli@master" args = "network ls" } action "show images" { uses = "actions/docker/cli@master" args = "images" }
Docker daemon 也會 share
可以同時 (parellel) 跑多個 Actions,跟 workflow 上限無關
不能 manual trigger (re-run)
不能及時看到 Container Log
Publish Github Action Tutorial: https://developer.github.com/marketplace/actions/publishing-an-action-in-the-github-marketplace/
實際範例: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/facebook-notify